Wellness & Wellbriety Weekend
With Ms. Monica Jackson, Haskell Wellbriety Counselor (Choctaw\Chickasaw) and special guest speaker\spiritual leader Mr. Gerald Cournoyer, Sr. (Oglala Lakota)
Friday, Sept. 13th
Meet-n-Greet - 9AM - 4PM
Haskell Wellbriety Counselor, Ms. Jackson @ Outdoor Classroom (Inclement Weather, Curtis Hall Rose Room)
Saturday, Sept. 14th
Cultural Awareness & Sweatlodge Teachings - 1-2:30PM
Gerald Cournoyer, Sr. @ Curtis Hall Rose Room
Let’s Build a Sweatlodge! - 3-5PM
Meet @ Wetlands
Sunday, Sept. 15th
Sweatlodge Blessings! Let’s Sweat! - 12PM
Meet @ new lodge, lunch to follow
Together, let’s gain awareness and learn about the importance the Wellbriety Movement and the significance of culture with wellness\sobriety “Wellbriety”. Let’s move forward and support one another in a good way.
(785) 749-8485